Simple Tasks: Organizing a Clothing Drawer

I don’t know about you, but I often seek out an easy project when my to-do list is feeling overwhelming. Something about completing a quick task from start to finish leaves me feeling more in control of everything. As a result, that usually motivates me to tackle the other tasks waiting for my attention, and before I know it, my to-do list is complete!

If you want to organize your home, but are feeling overwhelmed with where to start, try something as simple as organizing a clothing drawer! You’ll eventually work your way through all of them, but remember it’s okay to take them one at a time. Organization is a marathon, not a sprint!

There are so many great ways to organize clothing, and I can guarantee we’ve tried them all over here at The Orderly Space. It’s all about what works best for your space. Before you get started, here are a few helpful guidelines you can use to create the clothing drawers of your dreams!

Set Yourself Up for Success

Before you start, create a nice, clear dump-out space that you can throw all of your clothes on (I love to use my bed for this).

Next, gather a few boxes or bags and label them “Trash,” “Donate,” “Consign.” You also might want to grab some cleaning spray and rags, so you can wipe out each drawer once you’ve emptied it.

Now it’s time to clear out a drawer! Assuming you have all the same items in one drawer, go ahead and dump out the entire thing to be sorted. If your clothes are scattered throughout different drawers, start by looking through them and gather all of your like items (ie: all of your t-shirts).

Once you’ve got those items together on your sorting surface, look at each item one-by-one, and make a quick decision about what you want to do with that item. Trust your first instinct and try not to over-think your decision. Make a “keep” pile, and use your labeled boxes for any donations. Having those boxes handy will help you move quickly through the process.

If something is torn or stained, trash it. If it no longer fits, donate or consign. And if you love and wear it, keep it! Simple right? If you aren’t sure, set it aside. You can always come back to it later.

Creating Order

Once you have your keep pile, you can begin to create some order. You know we love to rainbow organize here at The Orderly Space! So if you’re working on a t-shirt drawer, try organizing them in rainbow order.

When it comes to folding, there are endless ways to go about it - find the one that will work long-term for you! File folding is beautiful, but definitely takes a little extra time. If you’re able to commit to that process, go ahead and re-fold all your tees that way! You’ll love the results. If that’s not for you, try stacking the items you reach for the most on top, and seldom used items below. There are no rules - just make sure it functions well for your lifestyle (looking pretty is just a bonus!).

Choosing Containment

One way to really dial in your drawer organization, is by choosing containment for your items. For example, you might have a combined sock/underwear drawer. By tucking a couple containers or dividers into the drawer, you can keep things separated and easy to find. There are so many great options for drawer dividers, just make sure you measure your drawers first! Consider getting all the same style of bin or drawer dividers so that everything has a cohesive look when you open the drawer.

This pack of cloth drawer bins is so versatile, and great for containing smaller items such as underwear, socks, and swimsuits.

Or, you could opt for these handy bamboo drawer dividers that are great for file-folded jeans and t-shirts.

Pro Tip: Create a Boutique with your Clothing

Don’t be afraid to arrange things in such a way that it feels like you’re shopping in a boutique! Laying your bras out by color not only looks pretty, but makes it that much easier to grab just what you’re looking for. Plus, it just feels good to open a beautifully organized drawer!

Know When to Fold ‘Em

Okay, so not everything has to be folded perfectly (yes, a Professional Organizer really just said that!). A good rule of thumb: if an item is seen on the outside of your body, take care to hang or fold it nicely. If it’s not seen on the outside, you can probably toss it in a drawer with some containment and call it good. In the end, it’s all about what works best for your space and lifestyle.

If you’ve read this far and the idea of organization is still overwhelming, we’d be happy to help you out! Click HERE to schedule your complimentary, no-obligation consultation. Our team serves Bellingham and Seattle, Washington and their surrounding areas. If you’re local, don’t hesitate to reach out to see how our team can help bring some organization to your home!


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